How to use cyberduck to upload a website page
How to use cyberduck to upload a website page

To learn about these features, visit the Cyberduck help pages. Right-click on a file on your Web server and you will see all sorts of things you can do to it, such as renaming it and editing it. To delete a file that you have uploaded to your server, click on the file in the Cyberduck window to select it, and press the Delete key on your keyboard.

how to use cyberduck to upload a website page

By default, if you close Cyberduck with a connection still open, it reconnects to that server when you next start up Cyberduck. DisconnectingĪfter you’ve finished uploading stuff, click the Disconnect button at the top right of the Cyberduck browser window to disconnect from your Web server. If you need to download a Web page from your site again (for example, you lost the original on your PC), simply drag and drop your page the other way, from Cyberduck to a Finder window (or to your Desktop).

how to use cyberduck to upload a website page

Need help For assistance installing and configuring Cyberduck for use with the Data Store, please contact CyVerse Support, or see the Cyberduck Preferences Help page for more information on. The item is uploaded to your Home folder. Click the file or folder to upload and then click Upload. If you now open up a Web browser and go to your website’s URL, you should see your Web page on the Internet. Click the Cyberduck File menu and then click Upload. Linux servers: For standard HTML files, your home page should be called index.html.Ĭreating new folders: Any new folders you create within htdocs can be accessed as part of your website address.Įxample: If you create a folder called photos in htdocs, you would access it with (where is your own domain name) in your browser's address bar.The website’s index page is now uploaded to the Web server. Windows servers: For standard HTML files, your home page should be called index.html or default.html. Where to upload your files and what to call them If you upload a file called index.html directly to htdocs, it will automatically become your website's home page. This is just the same as if you were dragging and dropping files between folders on your own computer.

how to use cyberduck to upload a website page

Upload your website's home page by dragging and dropping it.

how to use cyberduck to upload a website page

Double-click the htdocs folder this is where your public website files are stored. Step 3Ī list of the folders in your web space will appear. This is your domain name if you're using the account's master FTP account. You can use (replacing with your own domain name) if your domain name's nameservers have been set to Fasthosts' nameservers for 72 hours or more.Ī window will pop up and ask your for your FTP username and password.Įnter the username you will connect with.

How to use cyberduck to upload a website page